로그인 회원가입

내기 하다 영어로


영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • game
  • 내기    내기1 (금품을 거는) a bet; a wager;
  • 하다    하다11 [행하다] do; perform; undertake;
  • 내기를 하다    bet
  • 내기    내기1 (금품을 거는) a bet; a wager; betting; staking; gambling. 돈~ a money bet / betting money. 과자 ~ a bet of cakes. 큰[작은] ~ a heavy[paltry / petty] bet / high[low] stakes. ~에 이기다[지다] win[lose] a wager[bet
  • 동전을 던져 내기하다    tittup
  • 끝내기    끝내기 (바둑의) the last[concluding / clinching] moves; the end game; an ending. ~를 그르치다 commit an error in the ending / fail to beat the opponent by an eleventh-hour error.
  • 내기성    내기성 [耐氣性] ~의 airproof.
  • 돈내기    돈내기 a bet; [도박] gambling. ~ 마작은 좋지 않다 It's no good to play mah-jong for money[gamble at mah-jong]. ~하다 bet; stake; gamble.
  • 뜨내기    뜨내기1 [방랑자] a wanderer; a vagabond; a tramp; a hobo; [딴 곳에서 온 사람] a stranger; a man from another part of the country. ~ 일꾼 a wandering laborer / an itinerant.2 [어쩌다가 간혹 하는 일] an odd[a casual] job; a
  • 맛내기    sapidity; jelly bean; seasoning; spice; flavor; flavourer; condiment; seasoner; flavouring; tang; flavorer
  • 모내기    모내기 rice-planting; rice transplantation. ~로 바쁘다 be busy planting the rice. ~하다 transplant rice seedlings; plant rice. 이 지방에서는 6월 중순경에 ~한다 In this district they plant rice in the middle of June.▷ 모내기
  • 물매 내기    splay
  • 보내기    보내기 [洑-] making irrigation ditches.
  • 뽐내기    swagger; flamboyant
  • 새내기    beginner; trainee; novice; inexperienced person
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